Sunday, April 1, 2012

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The Nature Photo Album (I am Legend)

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The Nature Photo Album (I am Legend) Feature

    The Nature Photo Album (I am Legend) Detail

    The 'I am Legend' Nature photo album is a series of photo and art works, and is best read in reflection to the written 'I am Legend' volume III work to be obtained at Amazon ASIN: B0047T7P7G. This volume is a photo series to portray nature in an adventure to unify planet earth, and is intended to be a portrayal or incarnation of the goddess Nature. Nature is seen in habitat, flora and fauna, and this volume gives nature to be a living entity. She is portrayed in storm, draught and flood; while she is given to be the incaration in a given or local context of the Lord, and varieties of Chapter portray miracles of nature versus god. Her creatures are seen in varieties of creative ideas; including ocean and land, and to find here idea of creature to reflect the logos of God. She is given to be the origin of the angels and Archangels, and to find artwork of Hera or wife of Zeus. Nature is seen to be source of the female sexual ideals. The dozen upon dozen of photo and artwork are a life magazine style of sequences of format, and to defy use of words through Chapters and topic.

    The 'I am Legend' Nature photo album is a series of photo and art works, and is best read in reflection to the written 'I am Legend' volume III work to be obtained at Amazon ASIN: B0047T7P7G. This volume is a photo series to portray nature in an adventure to unify planet earth, and is intended to be a portrayal or incarnation of the goddess Nature. Nature is seen in habitat, flora and fauna, and this volume gives nature to be a living entity. She is portrayed in storm, draught and flood; while she is given to be the incaration in a given or local context of the Lord, and varieties of Chapter portray miracles of nature versus god. Her creatures are seen in varieties of creative ideas; including ocean and land, and to find here idea of creature to reflect the logos of God. She is given to be the origin of the angels and Archangels, and to find artwork of Hera or wife of Zeus. Nature is seen to be source of the female sexual ideals. The dozen upon dozen of photo and artwork are a life magazine style of sequences of format, and to defy use of words through Chapters and topic.


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